
I want to use Storm to do three things :

1.       Parse emails data (from/ to / cc/ subject ) from incoming SMTP source

2.       Add additional information (based on sender email)

3.       Create an XML based on this data, to inject in another solution

Only issue, I want step 1 (and 2) to be as fast as possible so creating the 
maximum bolts/tasks possible,
But I want the XML to be as big as possible so gathering information for 
multiple output of bolts.

In this logic, I fi have 100 mails per second in original input, I would want 
to have step1 and step 2 to work on the smallest number of emails to do it 
But I still want to be able to have an XML that represent 10 000+ emails at the 

I can't think of topology to address this.
Can someone give me some pointers to the best way to handle this ?

Kind Regards,
Andréas Kalogéropoulos

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