Hi John,

Increasing the Kafka partition should be helpful.

Additionally what is the KafkaBolt parallelism you are keeping?

On Jan 10, 2016 11:33 PM, "John Yost" <hokiege...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I am attempting to use the KafkaBolt for output from my Storm topology.
> Whereas the throughput from the KafkaSpout is screaming fast, output to
> Kafka via the KafkaBolt is comparatively really slow. I've tried outputting
> with request.required.acks set to 0,1,-1 which does not affect throughput
> significantly.
> I am thinking that one issue is that the KafkaSpout is reading off of a
> topic with 20 partitions, whereas the KafkaBolt is writing to a topic with
> 10 partitions. I am going to expand the write topic to twenty partitions
> tomorrow and retry as I think that increasing the producer group size via a
> greater number of partitions should help.
> Any other ideas/guidance would be great--thanks!
> --John

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