I tried setting stormConfig.put(Config.WORKER_HEAP_MEMORY_MB, 1024); and
now *all topologies* Assigned memory is 0MB.
Does anyone know why it works this way? How do we assign memory to
topologies in this situation?

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Navin Ipe <navin....@searchlighthealth.com
> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a program *MyProg.java* inside which I'm creating 5 topologies and
> using *stormSubmitter* to submit it to Storm. The storm UI shows the
> assigned memory for each topology as:
> *Assigned Mem (MB)*
> 832
> 0
> 832
> 832
> 832
> One of the topologies was assigned 0MB. Assuming that it was because of
> setting a single Config for all of them, I gave them separate configs (as
> below), but nothing changed.
> *StormConfigFactory stormConfigFactory = new StormConfigFactory();*
> *StormSubmitter.submitTopology(upTopologyName,
> stormConfigFactory.GetNewConfig(),
> upBuilder.createTopology());StormSubmitter.submitTopology(viTopologyName,
> stormConfigFactory.GetNewConfig(),
> viBuilder.createTopology());StormSubmitter.submitTopology(prTopologyName,
> stormConfigFactory.GetNewConfig(),
> prBuilder.createTopology());StormSubmitter.submitTopology(opTopologyName,
> stormConfigFactory.GetNewConfig(),
> opBuilder.createTopology());StormSubmitter.submitTopology(poTopologyName,
> stormConfigFactory.GetNewConfig(), poBuilder.createTopology());*
> *And the StormConfigFactory class:public class StormConfigFactory {
> public Config GetNewConfig() {            Config stormConfig = new
> Config();            stormConfig.setNumWorkers(1);
> stormConfig.setNumAckers(1);
> stormConfig.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG, false);
> stormConfig.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE, 64);
> 65536);
> 65536);            stormConfig.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING,
> 50);            stormConfig.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS,
> 60);            stormConfig.put(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS,
> Arrays.asList(new String[]{"localhost"}));
> return stormConfig;    }}*
> *How do I allocate separate memory and workers for each topology?*
> --
> Regards,
> Navin


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