Hello ,I developed a java project based on the storm topology that process 
incoming tuples in a certain way.I tested it locally and it worked perfectly in 
the context of streaming tuples of course. My topology is  formed of one spout 
and three bolts.In my code I used Data Structures (such as 
HashMaps,linkedHashmap and TreeMap) to store some information concerning the 
tuple's processing and I declared them static in the topology builder class so 
they could be shared by all the bolts because they need to accessed and varied 
by them frequently. The problem is that when i deployed it over a remote 
cluster these static attributes weren't visible (shared ) by the different 
bolts (I read about it online and I concluded because of multiple JVMs). My 
question is if  there is a certain concept concerning "shared memory" in Apache 
Storm where we can store these DataStructures for them to be shared and 
accessed by all the bolts at any given time.thanks in advance for your help.    

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