Do you have unique consumer Ids for each spout in each topology?

On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 8:40 AM, Amber Kulkarni <>

> So I want multiple storm topologies to read from the same kafka topic.
> So suppose topic contains: A B C (data)
> I want both the topologies to get A,B,C
> But currently what is happening is messaged are getting distributed.(eg.
> topology 1 is getting A and other topology is getting B and C)
> How do I achieve this is trident.
> I am using OpaqueTridentKafkaSpout.
> I think what needs to be done is both topologies need to specify different
> consumer group ids.
> But could not find how to specify them in trident(TridentKafkaConfig)
> Any ideas ?
> Regards,
> Amber Kulkarni

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