
I am developing a Trident topology and trying to figure out how to disable 
logging for the ThriftAccessLogger. Problem is that this logger logs lots of 
lines like this:

        [Thread-18-spout-test-executor[7 7]] INFO  o.a.s.l.ThriftAccessLogger - 
Request ID: 2 access from:  principal:  operation: fetchRequest

It makes debugging impossible because we are talking of thousands of lines 
here. I tried different things to get rid of these messages, however none 

So far I tried setting topology debug log level to false like 

Also tried configuring a local cluster.xml with logging level warn for the 
ThriftAccessLogger like this:

    <Logger name="org.apache.storm.logging.ThriftAccessLogger" level="warn" 
        <AppenderRef ref="THRIFT-ACCESS"/>
        <AppenderRef ref="syslog"/>
    <root level="info"> <!-- We log everything -->
        <appender-ref ref="A1"/>
        <appender-ref ref="syslog"/>

Still these messages persist. I also read through the storm documentation, 
tried stackoverflow, google search etc. unfortunately I cannot find an answer 
to this problem.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.



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