Oh that's good to know. I assume it works like this:

On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 6:23 PM, Nathan Leung <ncle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's based on a modulo of a hash of the field. The fields grouping is
> stateless.
> On Aug 10, 2016 8:18 AM, "Navin Ipe" <navin....@searchlighthealth.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For spouts to be able to continuously send a fields grouped tuple to the
>> same bolt, it would have to store a key value map something like this,
>> right?
>> field1023 ---> Bolt1
>> field1343 ---> Bolt3
>> field1629 ---> Bolt5
>> field1726 ---> Bolt1
>> field1481 ---> Bolt3
>> So if my topology runs for a very long time and the spout generates many
>> unique field values, won't this key value map run out of memory eventually?
>> OR is there a failsafe or a map limit that Storm has to handle this
>> without crashing?
>> If memory problems could happen, what would be an alternative way to
>> solve this problem where many unique fields could get generated over time?
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Navin


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