Hey all

I had just recently finished upgrading our production Storm environment to
Storm 1.0.2 with some troubling results.

The same topology that took 60% CPU at idle in 0.10.0 now takes ~300% (8
core machines). This is a topology that runs on a single machine (to avoid
any network) with 800+ active tasks. The topology should finish at about
1s, and up until now we had no problem meeting this goal.

First thing I noticed was that the "topology.disruptor.wait.strategy"
configuration was removed. Since our topology is oriented towards a
low-latency target we were using the BlockingWaitStrategy for the
disruptors. I thought that with the config property removed this was no
longer an option until looking at the source and finding that I can still
use the blocking strategy if I set topology.disruptor.wait.timeout.millis
to 0. Doing this the disruptor automatically uses a blocking strategy.

But event after setting this our topology still consumes way more CPU than

Is anyone else experiencing similar effects from upgrading to a >=1.0.0

I also tried changing topology.disruptor.batch.timeout.millis to values
greater than its default of 1 with no significant effect on CPU usage. BTW,
should this really default to 1 ms?


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