Thanks for reply Hugo.
I'll double check log tomorrow looking for KafkaSpoutRetryExponentialBackoff

I just noticed, that in log I have there's strange thing. First
message is "*Unexpected
offset found [2777849]*". It's strange because if you look on partition 10
commited offset, it is 2777978 which is a little bit higher then offset
found. The next message in log was "*No offsets ready to commit.*"

So, after checking *2777849 *offset it immediately stoped seeking new
offset to commit.

On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 8:23 PM, Hugo Da Cruz Louro <>

> Hi,
> Most likely this is happening because some messages failed and/or got
> acked out of order.
> For example, if you process messages with offsets 1,2,3,X,5,6,7,… where X
> is message (with offset 4) that failed, the Spout will only commit offset
> 3. Until the message with offset 4 is acked, or reaches max number of
> retrials (which is configurable but by default is forever), the messages
> with offsets 5,6,7,… will not get committed despite having been acked. That
> is because you cannot do kafkaConsumer.commitSync(new
> TopicPartion(test_topic,5)) if the message with offset 4 has not been acked
> or discarded by reaching the max number of retrials. Until the spout moves
> on from message with offset 4, the lag will increase when new messages come
> in.
> You can try enabling the log level to ALL for org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.
> KafkaSpoutRetryExponentialBackoff to see which messages are getting
> retried. You can also set log level to DEBUG or ALL
> org.apache.storm.kafka.spout.KafkaSpout to see exactly which
> offsets/records are being processed. However, it will print a lot of
> messages, and may slow down processing considerably.
> You can also set the maxNumberOfRetires to a small number (e.g. 3-5) to
> see if that solves this situation.
> Hugo
> > On Feb 16, 2017, at 8:36 AM, Igor Kuzmenko <> wrote:
> >
> > Today in Storm UI I saw this Kafka Spouts Lag:
> > Id                    Topic   Partition       Latest Offset   Spout
> Committed Offset  Lag
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      0               5591087         5562814
>                      28273
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      1               2803256         2789090
>                      14166
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      2               2801927         2787767
>                      14160
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      3               2800627         2800626
>                      1
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      4               2799391         2785238
>                      14153
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      5               2798126         2798125
>                      1
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      6               2796874         2782726
>                      14148
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      7               2795669         2781528
>                      14141
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      8               2794419         2780280
>                      14139
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      9               2793255         2793254
>                      1
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      10              2792109         2777978
>                      14131
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      11              2790939         2776817
>                      14122
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      12              2789783         2775665
>                      14118
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      13              2788651         2774539
>                      14112
> > Kafka Spout   test_topic      14              2787521         2773412
>                      14109
> >
> >
> > There was no new messages in that topic for a while, so I expected, that
> my topology would process all messages. But lag shows me that there's some
> uncommitted messages in most of topics. Topology stop working and didn't
> process any messages for few hours.
> >
> > In logs I found these messages:
> > 2017-02-16 14:50:20.187 o.a.s.k.s.KafkaSpout [DEBUG] Unexpected offset
> found [2777849]. OffsetEntry{topic-partition=test_topic-10,
> fetchOffset=2775755, committedOffset=2777978, 
> ackedMsgs=[{topic-partition=test_topic-10,
> offset=2777849, numFails=0}, {topic-partition=test_topic-10,
> offset=2777850, numFails=0},
> > ........................................
> >  {topic-partition=test_topic-10, offset=2792107, numFails=0},
> {topic-partition=test_topic-10, offset=2792108, numFails=0}]}
> > 2017-02-16 14:50:20.201 o.a.s.k.s.KafkaSpout [DEBUG] No offsets ready to
> commit. OffsetEntry{topic-partition=test_topic-10, fetchOffset=2775755,
> committedOffset=2777978, ackedMsgs=[{topic-partition=test_topic-10,
> offset=2777849, numFails=0},
> > .......................................
> > {topic-partition=test_topic-10, offset=2792108, numFails=0}]}
> >
> >
> > So, I assume, messages, that showed as uncommitted, are actually
> processed by topology and acked. After I start sending new messages to
> Kafka topic topology start working, but spout lag increasing.
> > Why spout could stop committing to Kafka?

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