 I have two streams A and B. I need to enrich events coming from stream B
with events coming from A and I store events coming from A in a key-value
store to enrich events from B. Events that doesn't get enriched are sent to
a deferred queue(kafka stream) and are read back later.

Most of the the time the events from Stream B are sent to defer queue
because of bit delay in storing the events into a key-value store from
Stream A and events coming into A and B are almost real time.

I want to introduce a delay into reading into my spout reading from Stream
B so as to make sure higher % of events get enriched in first shot rather
than getting enriched post reading from defer queue. I tried putting a
check on the lag and controlling on the backlog queue to get a hold but
didn't seemed right and would enter into draining and other issues.

Is there a way in the kafka consumer or Storm spout to control the data in
flow to come with delay for processing?


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