There really are two issues here that you need to tackle.  This first is how to 
track the number of retries in a message.  The second is what is the best way 
to move the failed messages to a database.
For the first one how hard is the X retry requirement?  For example if the 
spout crashes we can do up to 2 X retries would that be acceptable?  If it is a 
very hard requirement then you will need to track it in a highly consistent 
database.  If it is not a hard requirement I would just track it in memory in 
the spout.  I actually have done this several times with spouts I have written 
where I put the retry number in the messageId the spout hands to the output 
This makes it simple because in fail, I can just look at count right there and 
decide what to do with it.
For the second part, do you ever see the error processing changing beyond the 
current requirement to put it in a database?  If you think there may be complex 
processing in the future or writing to the DB might be expensive I would 
suggest that you publish the failed messages to kafka, and then let a connector 
or something else like that publish the messages to the DB.  Otherwise just 
write them to the DB directly from the spout.  I would suggest that you add in 
some metrics to try and track how long the spout is spending writing failed 
messages into the DB though.

- Bobby

On Monday, March 13, 2017, 6:03:33 AM CDT, Janardhanan, Kailas (Contractor) 
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Hello All,
We are working on a storm cluster which is listening from a kafka queue. Our 
requirement is to do retry on bolt execution(on exception) for a specified 
number of times. After these retries the messages should be moved to Database. 
In the previous release we were doing a fieldsGrouping and maintaining a hash 
map to track the retry count but this was causing major performance impact. We 
will have to do shuffleGrouping for maximum throughput. What is the best 
possible way to implement this. The following options are considered.
1)     Maintain the retry count status in database(might be a performance issue)
2)     Maintain the retry count status in external caches( like elasticache in 
Amazon AWS), however it might be expensive
3)     Maintain the retry count status in message itself and repost the message 
to queue. Also ignoring the exception occurred in bolt to make in success.
We are not considering exponential retry inside bolt itself as it might also 
cause performance issues.
Please advice which one is best and if there is a better way to do detail the 
Thanks and Regards
Kailas  J C
RCL | Infosys Trivandrum
Office : +91-4713024230
Mob : +91-9497891540


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