
Those days, it's becoming difficult to choose betwen Storm and Flink. I
love Storm bolts & spouts philosophy, but I'm missing the even-time based
sliding windows promised by Flink.

Flink offers a solution to run Storm topologies.

It's nice, but we're quite used at setting up Storm clusters, with
scalabilty, HA and upgrades in mind. Redoing everything with Mesos or one
of the other scheduler supported by Flink is feasible, but it will require
some time for us to be as production-ready as we are today with Storm.

Since we're so much used used to Storm, we'd love to see the opposite
option: ability to use Flink high-level API and semantics over Storm.

Is there any such project that'll eventually allow running Flink code in a
Storm topology?

Best regards,
Alexandre Vermeerbergen.

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