You probably want to look into using something like daemon tools to monitor the 
processes.  nohup works, but it is not really a good solution.  Storm is fail 
fast.  If we hit any exception that we don't know that we can recover from the 
process will exit on the assumption that it will be relaunched and we can 
recover from the state we have written to disk/zookeeper.  Having a tool that 
will monitor and relaunch storm is the best way to keep it up and running.

- Bobby

On Friday, August 4, 2017, 8:29:12 AM CDT, M. Aaron Bossert 
<> wrote:

Try adding nohup at the beginning of each of those commands.  Nohup prevents a 
process from terminating when it's parent shell is closed.
nohup /opt/storm/apache*/bin/storm nimbus &

Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 4, 2017, at 09:08, Ethan Li <> wrote:

Storm docs recommend to use daemontools or monit which provides error recovery 
and etc.. 
I use linux "nohup" or "screen" command for simplicity. 

    On Friday, August 4, 2017 7:29 AM, J.R. Pauley <> wrote:

 this seems silly but I have not figured out how to keep nimbus, supervisor 
running after console session ends. zookeeper survives but supervisor and 
nimbus shut down when the console session ends.
I have storm 1.0.2 installed under /opt/storm and starting up 
as:/opt/storm/apache*/bin/storm nimbus&/opt/storm/apache*/bin/storm supervisor&
/opt/storm/apache*/bin/storm ui&
/opt/storm/apache*/bin/storm drpc&

I know I can add a while loop to keep the console active but there has to be a 
better way


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