Without anchoring at least once semantics is not honored, i.e. if event is
lost Kafka spout doesn't replay it.

On Oct 1, 2017 6:12 AM, "Yovav Waichman" <yovav.waich...@jivesoftware.com>

> Hi,
> We are using Apache Storm for a couple of years, and everything was fine
> till now.
> For our spout we are using “storm-kafka-0.9.4.jar”.
> Lately, we started seeing that our “Failed” number of events has increased
> dramatically, and currently almost 20% of our total events are marked as
> Failed.
> We tried investigating our Topology logs, but we came up empty handed.
> Also checking our DB logs didn’t give us any clue as for heavy load on our
> system.
> Moreover, our spout complete latency is 25.996 ms, which overruled any
> timeouts that might occur.
> Lowering our max pending value has produced a negative result.
> At some point, since we are not using anchoring, we thought about adding
> anchoring, but we saw that the KafkaSpout handles failures by replaying
> them, so we were not sure whether to add it or not.
> It would be helpful if you can direct us as to where we can find in Storm
> logs the reason for these failures, if there’s an exception which is not
> caught, maybe a time out, since we are a bit blind at the moment.
> We would appreciate any help with that.
> Thanks in advance,
> Yovav

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