I don't believe you can. The Trident windowing code seems to use
System.currentTimeMillis without allowing you to set a timestamp extractor.
If you want to add this functionality, you should look at
and likely also the other implementation of ITridentWindowManager, and make
them use the windowManager.add(event, ts) method instead of
windowManager.add(event). You can consider using
for reference to how it works in regular Storm topologies.

Note that there doesn't seem to be a watermark event generator for the
Trident code either, so you may want to look at adding that as well.

Den fre. 23. nov. 2018 kl. 04.51 skrev 731635762 <mrche...@qq.com>:

> Hi All, I use storm-core  1.2.2, and there is my code:
> spoutStream.window(TumblingDurationWindow.of(new
> BaseWindowedBolt.Duration(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)),
>                         new Fields("value"), new CountAsAggregator(), new
> Fields("record"));
> I can't find any API to specify window timestamp field.
> Can anyone tell me how to set timestamp field in trident
> TumblingDurationWindow?
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> ChenBo

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