
The "key" field value will be hashed using Arrays.deepHashCode, so if you
have two tuples t1 and t2, and hashCode(t1["key"]) == hashCode(t2["key"]),
then t1 and t2 will go to the same task in "gamma".

Den fre. 23. nov. 2018 kl. 09.06 skrev <>:

> Hi.
> I have a question, regarding fields grouping. In documentation we have:
> ```
> Fields grouping: The stream is partitioned by the fields specified in the
> grouping. For example, if the stream is grouped by the "user-id" field,
> tuples with the same "user-id" will always go to the same task, but tuples
> with different "user-id"'s may go to different tasks.
> ```
> It is clear, when we have single point-to-point connection i.e [A]
> --sream--> [B]. But if we have some bolt that consume 2 stream from 2
> different bolts but use same key(also streams have same "format") for
> fields grouping. Something like this:
> ```
>         TopologyBuilder topology = new TopologyBuilder();
>         // ----
>         topology.setBolt("alpha", new AlphaBolt(), alphaScaleFactor);
>         topology.setBolt("beta", new BetaBolt(), betaScaleFactor);
>         Fields grouping = new Fields("key");
>         topology.setBolt("gamma", new GammaBolt(), gammaScaleFactor)
>                 .fieldsGrouping("alpha", "alpha-stream", grouping)
>                 .fieldsGrouping("beta", "beta-stream", grouping);
>         // ----
> ```
> Is there any guarantee that both streams will be partitioned in same way
> and tuples with same value in "key" field in both streams will be directed
> into same instance/task of "gamma" bolt?

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