Dear Community,

I have three questions regarding Joins in Apache Storm. For those, I`d like to 
use the Stream API.

The documentation provides an example where a windowed stream A is joined with 
a non-windowed stream B. So I assume that the window is built on stream A and 
all tuples from B that are arriving within the window time are then joined with 
the ones from A.

1. However, I found that it is possible to join two non-windowed streams as 
well and in a small demo set-up, I receive results as well. But how can it be? 
Without a window, the tuples from A and B would have to arrive at the exact 
same timestamp in order to get joined. Or am I wrong here?

2. Is the output of a join of a windowed and a non-windowed stream again a 
windowed stream? I would assume that since I would expect groups of joined 

3. What is the right way to join three streams? I think, that one window 
configuration is enough. So the pseudocode would look like:
streamC.join(streamB.join(windowedstreamA). However, this raises a punctuation 

Looking forward for your responses,
Best regards,


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