
I have been accumulating a list of popular/trending db for which storm
connectors are still missing and preparing a case for getting them
prioritized and added to the repo based on user interest.

For now, we have the below list of potential candidates (based solely on my
own experience in the industry)

A. Listed in Top 100 at https://db-engines.com/en/ranking

   1. ScyllaDB
   2. Aeropsike
   3. CockroachDB
   4. Ignite
   5. Hazelcast

B. Popular Graph DBs:

   1. Neo4j
   2. ArangoDB
   3. OrientDB

C. Trending Vector DBs:

   1. Milvus
   2. Weaviate

D. Already present Improvement JIRAs pertaining to existing connectors:

   1. Mongo Spout: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STORM-3336
   2. Redis Sentinel: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STORM-3410
   3. Cassandra Spout: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STORM-3298

Would love to hear thoughts from the community on the same. Feel free to
add other missing databases to the above list which you feel are also worth
considering and/or volunteer to contribute to any of the aforementioned


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