Derek: No I cannot cd into that directory, but I can cd into the directory
one up from it (dummy-topology-1-1394418571).  That directory contains
stormcode.ser and stormconf.ser files.  The topology is running locally for
testing, so I'm not launching any separate supervisor daemon.  It just
seems like it never even attempted to create the resources directory (but
it successfully created all the ancestor directories), as the folder isn't
really locked down at all.

P. Taylor: I get what you're implying, but Eclipse is being run as an
administrator already, and I am debugging the topology locally straight out
of eclipse.  It seems bizarre that there would be permissions issues on a
folder that the project itself created.

On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Derek Dagit <> wrote:

> Two quick thoughts:
> - Can you cd to 'C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\
> Temp\67daff0e-7348-46ee-9b62-83f8ee4e431c\supervisor\
> stormdist\dummy-topology-1-1394418571\resources' from the shell as
> yourself?
> - What are the permissions on that directory?  Is the supervisor daemon
> running as another user?
> --
> Derek
> On 3/10/14, 17:05, P. Taylor Goetz wrote:
>> I don't have access to a windows machine at the moment, but does this
>> help?
>> On Mar 10, 2014, at 4:51 PM, Chris James 
>> <<mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>>  Reposting since I posted this before at a poor time and got no response.
>>> I'm trying out a storm project built from scratch in Java, but with a
>>> Python bolt.  I have everything running with all Java spouts/bolts just
>>> fine, but when I try to incorporate a python bolt I am running into issues.
>>> I have my project separated into a /storm/ for topologies, /storm/bolts/
>>> for bolts, /storm/spouts for spouts, and /storm/multilang/ for the
>>> multilang wrappers. Right now the only thing in /storm/multilang/ is
>>>, copied and pasted from the storm-starter project.  In my bolts
>>> folder, I have a dummy bolt set up that just prints the tuple.  I've
>>> virtually mimicked the storm-starter WordCountTopology example for using a
>>> python bolt, so I think the code is OK and the configuration is the issue.
>>> So my question is simple.  What configuration steps do I have to set up
>>> so that my topology knows where to look to find when I run
>>> super("python", "")?  I noticed an error in the stack
>>> trace claiming that it could not run python (python is definitely on my
>>> path and I use it everyday), and that is looking in a resources folder that
>>> does not exist.  Here is the line in question:
>>> Caused by: Cannot run program "python" (in
>>> directory "C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\Temp\67daff0e-7348-46ee-9b62-
>>> 83f8ee4e431c\supervisor\stormdist\dummy-topology-1-1394418571\resources"):
>>> CreateProcess error=267, The directory name is invalid
>>> A more extensive stack trace is here:
>>> So once again: what is the configuration step that I am missing to allow
>>> my topology to see and be able to run multilang spouts/bolts in my
>>> topology?
>>> Thanks!

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