Hi there..
I tried writing a negative testng test which starts my topology in  "local
mode", then submits it.
I provide parameters that deliberately cause my code called by my spout to
choke and throw
a RuntimeException.

This causes my test runner  (maven's surefire) to complain that

  "The forked VM terminated without saying properly goodbye. VM crash or
System.exit called"

This isn't completely mission critical to get this test done... But I'm
curious ! Does any
one have an idea how to write a negative test that causes an exception in a
spout or bolt ?

How does one trap  these seemingly fatal errors?     I've considered using
dependencies in testNg, running a separate thread that waits for a bit and
then checks the log to verify the exception was thrown..

All of it comes to naught when the JVM  says  bye bye.

any ideas much appreciated ..

thanks !

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