Hi all - anyone have any insight into my question below?

It would be so hugely helpful to have a doc on what metrics are available in storm, what data structures each contains and what each element means. I've amassed some idea of what thing mean, but I suspect I'm like others and still slightly confused on certain aspects.

If I ever get time, I'll volunteer to help doc this ...



On 20/03/2014 17:42, Lajos wrote:
Hi all,

I was trying to understand how the latency metrics are reported. I
understand what each of them mean, but do they represent a random
sampling of timings or some sort of averaging?

If I send through 2000 messages and I see a process_latency of
1.411764705882353, is that averaged over the 2000 or just for the latest

As a follow-up, is there a simple algorithm to create the same latency
figures as are displayed in the UI but using the metrics figures
themselves? I've tried various things and I can get some figures to line
up, and others are way off.



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