Hello all, 

What do negative id values mean in the logs?  Does that indicate any error?
I got these while running a local topology.  Also, is there any good 
documentation about understanding the logs. Most of it is self-explanatory from 
the log messages but if there is any existing documentation somewhere, that 
will really help.

5433 [Thread-19] INFO  backtype.storm.daemon.executor  - Processing received 
message source: prepare-request:7, stream: default, id: 
{-4212877050522192524=6354306792350206104}, [3323165896464350833, 33]
Tuple received by bolt is source: prepare-request:7, stream: default, id: 
{-4212877050522192524=6354306792350206104}, [3323165896464350833, 33]
5433 [Thread-10] INFO  backtype.storm.daemon.worker  - Worker 
445b9038-ac6f-4629-a86f-82cd5eecf0e3 for storm drpc-demo-1-1401943429 on 
9b5a127d-1a02-4362-883e-f5193c6f7a92:4 has finished loading
5434 [Thread-36] INFO  backtype.storm.daemon.executor  - Processing received 
message source: spout:8, stream: __ack_init, id: {}, [-4212877050522192524 
-4291234877071288404 8]
5434 [Thread-19] INFO  backtype.storm.daemon.task  - Emitting: bolt0 default 
[3323165896464350833,  MyBolt is emitting: ]
5434 [Thread-36] INFO  backtype.storm.daemon.executor  - Processing received 
message source: prepare-request:7, stream: __ack_ack, id: {}, 
[-4212877050522192524 340043085440436800]
5435 [Thread-19] INFO  backtype.storm.daemon.task  - Emitting: bolt0 __ack_ack 
[-4212877050522192524 5906040704921991109]


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