It's similar to dealing with topology on a remote cluster. This is a
step-by-step instructions:

1. Edit your storm.yaml config, change the in the yaml to your
Docker nimbus's container IP (also make sure that nimbus container's ports
are published properly).
2. From your client, use *storm jar /path/to/jar class topologyName *to
submit the topology to the cluster. You can find more information about in
the links below.
Starting and stopping topologies on a remote cluster
Storm command line client
Nhan Nguyen

On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 4:04 AM, János Háber <>

> Hi guys!
> Anyone using wurstmeister storm-docker images?
> I started nimbus+supervisor+ui but how can I deploy the topology?
> Maybe somebody can provide a sample?
> Thanks
> b0c1

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