CodeHale doesn't handle extreme skew on measurements well last time I
looked.  For throughput, averages are great.  For latency, you need very
high percentiles to understand what is happening.

On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 6:00 PM, Michael Rose <>

> What kind of issues does Metrics have that leads you to recommend
> HdrHistogram?
> On Jun 16, 2014 6:57 PM, "Dan" <> wrote:
>> Be careful when using Coda Hale's Metrics package when measuring latency.
>> Consider using Gil Tene's
>> High Dynamic Range Histogram instead:
>> -Dan
>> ------------------------------
>> From:
>> Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 18:20:11 -0400
>> Subject: Re: Extracting Performance Metrics
>> To:
>> Also, I came across this presentation by Visible Measures which actually
>> walks through a lot of great options covering most of what you want to know
>> about:
>> One other thing to be aware of is that in Storm 0.9.2 (forthcoming
>> release), there is a new REST API used by the Storm UI for gathering some
>> of these metrics:
>> On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 6:13 PM, Andrew Montalenti <>
>> wrote:
>> I haven't used it yet, but a lot of people get pointed to metrics_storm:
>> With this blog post that discusses it:
>> Michael Noll also has a nice blog post about streaming Storm 0.9 metrics
>> to Graphite:
>> Currently, when we use Storm, we do a lot of custom metrics in Graphite
>> using statsd, as described in this post (not about Storm, but about
>> Graphite/statsd):
>> On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Anis Nasir <> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am running a cluster with 1 kafka + 1 nimbus + 10 supervisor + 1
>> zookeeper nodes. I am executing multiple topologies on the cluster and I
>> want to extract different metrics that I am mentioning below. Can someone
>> help me by recommending tools that I can use to extract this information.
>> Per Topology
>>      - Throughput
>>      - Latency
>> Per Spout or Bolt
>>      - Throughput
>>      - Latency
>>      - Execution Time
>>      - Queuing Time
>>      - Number of Messages Processed
>> Regards
>> Anis

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