I believe this is a problem in the storm.py multilang prototype adapter
bundled with Storm. We fixed this issue in a more full fledged multilang
adapter that is available here:


You could try pip install streamparse and change your bolt to subclass
streamparse.bolt.Bolt instead and see if the problem goes away. Full API
docs here:

On Jun 11, 2014 3:27 PM, "Scot Kronenfeld" <sco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using Storm w/ my bolts and spouts written in Python.
> When I am running in a test environment locally I have a problem where if
> the spout dies, the bolts consume 100% CPU and gradually increase their
> memory.  Here are the details:
> My spout is reading from mongo.  Sometimes it loses its cursor (due to a
> network hiccup or something) and it raises an exception and bails out.  I
> can also reliably reproduce this problem by using "kill -9 <spout PID>".
> Using strace and then a debugger, I figured out that the bolts are stuck
> in this tight loop in the readMsg function inside storm.py (which ships
> with storm)
>     while True:
>         line = sys.stdin.readline()[:-1]
>         if line == "end":
>             break
>         msg = msg + line + "\n"
> The readline() call is a blocking call, but the bolt keeps getting blank
> lines as input.
> Note: the memory problem is because newlines keep getting appended.  Since
> the input is used as JSON, it would probably be safe to just remove the
> addition of the newline (I'm not 100% positive because that might not work
> if there are newlines in an embedded string within the JSON).  But that
> still doesn't fix the core issue.
> I think the problem is that if the spout does not come down cleanly,
> something in the Java keeps sending input to the bolts.  I'm about to dig
> into the Java code but I don't know any Java so I figured it was worth a
> quick message to the Storm list to see if this is a known problem.  Or even
> if anyone has a pointer for where to look in the Java.  I haven't
> previously looked at the Storm source - it's just been a black box to this
> point for me.
> Thanks,
> scot

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