I've not seen this, (un)fortunately. :)

Are there any other relevant details you might be able to provide?

Or better yet can you distill it down to a bare bones topology that reproduces 
it and share the code?


> On Jun 17, 2014, at 6:27 PM, Michael Rose <mich...@fullcontact.com> wrote:
> I've run into similar leaks with one of our topologies. ZMQ vs. Netty didn't 
> make any difference for us. We'd been looking into the Netty-based HTTP 
> client we're using as a suspect, but maybe it is Storm.
> 8 workers, 1.5GB heap, CMS collector, Java 1.7.0_25-b15, Storm
> What kinds of things do your topologies do?
> One thing we'd observed is a bump in direct buffers. Usually starts around 
> 100. Java can't account for the memory used, but the size & count of the 
> allocations as shown by pmap is suspicious.
> ...
> 00007f30ac1bc000  63760K -----    [ anon ]
> 00007f30b0000000    864K rw---    [ anon ]
> 00007f30b00d8000  64672K -----    [ anon ]
> 00007f30b4000000    620K rw---    [ anon ]
> 00007f30b409b000  64916K -----    [ anon ]
> 00007f30b8000000   1780K rw---    [ anon ]
> 00007f30b81bd000  63756K -----    [ anon ]
> 00007f30bc000000   1376K rw---    [ anon ]
> 00007f30bc158000  64160K -----    [ anon ]
> 00007f30c0000000   1320K rw---    [ anon ]
> ...
>       "buffers":{
>          "direct":{
>             "count":721,
>             "memoryUsed":16659150,
>             "totalCapacity":16659150
>          },
>          "mapped":{
>             "count":0,
>             "memoryUsed":0,
>             "totalCapacity":0
>          }
>       },
> Do you have a similar bump in direct buffer counts?
> Michael
> Michael Rose (@Xorlev)
> Senior Platform Engineer, FullContact
> mich...@fullcontact.com
>> On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 11:15 AM, Indra Nath Bardhan 
>> <indranath.bard...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We have a topology which is running on 16 workers with 2GB heap each.
>> However we see that the topology worker RES memory usage keeps on piling up 
>> i.e., starting at 1.1 G and keeps growing over and beyond the 2G mark till 
>> it overwhelms the entire node. 
>> This possibly indicates that 
>> 1) we either have slowly consuming bolts and thus need throttling in spout
>> 2) OR a memory leak in the ZMQ buffer allocation or some of the JNI code.
>> Based on responses in certain other discussions, we tried making our 
>> topology reliable and make use of the MAX_SPOUT_PENDING to throttle the 
>> spouts. However this did not yield us much value, trying with a value of 
>> 1000 & 100, we see the same growth in the memory usage, although a bit 
>> slower in the later case.
>> We also did a pmap of the offending pids and did not see much memory usage 
>> by the native lib*so files.
>> Is there any way to identify the source of this native leak OR fix this ? We 
>> need some urgent help on this.
>> [NOTE: Using Storm - 0.9.0_wip21]
>> Thanks,
>> Indra

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