I'm trying to use storm-kafka 0.9.0-wip16a-scala292
below is my spout config
            List<HostPort> hosts = new ArrayList<HostPort>();       
     hosts.add(new HostPort("host1",2181));            hosts.add(new 
HostPort("host2",2181));            SpoutConfig config = new SpoutConfig(new 
KafkaConfig.StaticHosts(hosts,3),                    "logs",                    
"/storm",// path where brokers and consumers exist eg. 
/storm/borkers/topics/... and /storm/consumers/...                    
topologyName);            normalLogSpoutConfig.forceStartOffsetTime(-1);        
    KafkaSpout normalLogSpout = new KafkaSpout(normalLogSpoutConfig);
I got this error and worker dies.
INFO  kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer - Reconnect in get offetset request due to 
socket error: java.io.EOFException: Received -1 when reading from channel, 
socket has likely been closed.
I'm using kafka_2.9.2-0.8.1, so is it a version problem? 
or am I using wrong path?

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