
I think you are slightly confused. Let me try to explain it in a simple
manner. Storm has a transport layer for communication between spouts and
bolts. At present (release >=storm 0.9) there are two transport layer
implementations provided by storm - zeromq and netty based
implementations.You can select anyone of them. Installation of zeromq needs
some special steps. It is already documented in storm project. I haven't
tried Netty based implementation. However netty based implementation is
supposed to give you better performance.

Now let me try to answer your question related to ActiveMQ. For most of the
realtime usecases people like to process messages from a queue. For such
usecases the messages are read from these queues by the spout. You can use
any queuing system(Kafka/RabbitMQ/ActiveMQ/...) for this activity. All that
you need is a consumer in your spout to read these messages.

Richards Peter.

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