On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Preetam Rao <rao.pree...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> Appreciate any pointers on the following which are causing us problems in
> production.
> 1. Is there a way we can restrict multiple instances of a given spout be
> allocated on "different hosts" ? Our spouts start a embedded Jetty server
> that listen on a well known port (Here https). Thus parallelism on same
> host does not help. Observing that most often, even when parallelism is set
> to 5, all get allocated on same host rendering  the parallelism wasted and
> which in turn is causing load issues. From discussion I have read, my
> thinking is it is not possible. But it is a critical issue for us right
> now, so pointers help.

You could probably do this by restricting one worker per host and setting
parallelism and num tasks < num of workers.

> 2. Is there a way we can control how many components get allocated per
> worker (Or, enforce rule that never allocate more than one component per
> worker) ? Irrespective of high worker count setup, occasionally both spout
> as well as bolt are getting allocated on same worker (that is same host &
> storm port). This is causing load & GC issues since the input rate is quite
> high. .

I recently came across an article. See if this helps

> 3. Ours is a multi tenant setup. On the same lines as item 2 above, how
> can we prevent components from different topologies not running on same
> worker ? Because that simply means any topology by chance can break the
> worker (say memory leak) on which my typology's components are running on.

Probably you can just restrict one worker process per host?

> Thanks in advance for any pointers/suggestions.
> Preetam

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