Hi everyone,

We've been banging our heads against the wall trying to get reasonable
performance out of a small storm cluster.

Setup after stripping down trying to debug:

- All servers on EC2 m3.larges
- 2 Kestrel 2.4.1 queue servers
- 3 Storm Servers (1 running ui + nimbus, all running supervisors and thus
- 2 workers per instance, workers get 2GB of RAM max
- 1 topology with 2 KestrelSpouts

We measure performance by doing the following:

- loading up the queues with a couple million items in each
- deploying the topology
- pulling up the storm ui and tracking the changes in ack counts over time
on the spouts to compute average throughputs

With acking enabled on our spouts we were getting around 4k messages/second
With acking disabled on our spouts, we were seeing around 6k messages/second

Adding a few bolts with acking quickly bring performance down below 800
messages/second - pretty dreadful.  Based on the reports many other people
have posted about their Storm clusters, I find these numbers really
disappointing.  We've tried tuning the worker jvm options, number of
workers/executors with this simple setup but could not squeeze anything
more out.

Does anyone have any further suggestions about where we should be looking?
 We are about set to pull storm out of production and roll our own



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