Im currently using Storm 0.9.x, ActiveMQ and @ptgoetz storm-jms spout.
I have multiple producers sending messages to the same queue.
My topologies run multiple Worker/Executors/Taks.

From what i understand:
1) One ActiveMQ consumer (storm-jms spout instance) takes messages from the queue preserving the order (FIFO); 2) Multiple ActiveMQ consumers/spouts in the same queue will compete for messages and order is lost. 3) Storm guarantees that bolts consume tuples in the order they are emitted by the topology spout;

With storm-jms spout in a parallel scenario is there any message ordering preservation guarantee at all? In what order are tuple batches emitted to the stream by those multiple storm-jms spout instances? Even if I used a Exclusive Consumer <http://activemq.apache.org/exclusive-consumer.html> approach, can i assume the order of tuple processing is preserved? Does it having multiple ActiveMQ consumers in the form of spouts instances ultimately translates to a unpredictable tuple processing order by the topology bolts?
If so, can I solve this problem switching ActiveMQ for other solution?

Thanks in advance.

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