Investigated a bit and figured from top command that 1 or 2 out of the 4
topologies are running at full speed while others are "starving" for cpu.
Even stranger observation was that even after stopping the topologies
running properly, the other topologies did not pick up.

Has anyone seen any such behaviour?

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 11:14 PM, Andrey Yegorov <>

> Try reducing number of "max spout pending" for the spout.
> It is likely that messages just sitting at the spout and timing out there
> before getting a chance to be processed. Set it to some low value, 1 or 5,
> and experiment with higher values to improve throughput while keeping it
> away from the failures.
> ----------
> Andrey Yegorov
> On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 12:03 AM, Anuj Agrawal <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Harsha,
>> Attached more screenshots with a little more details and system stats
>> enabled. And, a sample of logs for 10 minutes.
>> Can't figure out from these.
>> Thanks,
>> Anuj
>> On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 1:34 AM, Harsha <> wrote:
>>> Ok I assume you are using KafkaSpout from strom/external without any
>>> changes to the code. From the UI screenshot it looks like your bolt is
>>> acknowledging messages . Enable system stats on that topology page (Its at
>>> the bottom of the page) and check if the ackers are running without any
>>> errors. I guess the reason it might be happening is that your spout is not
>>> receiving acks for all the messages processed by your bolt hence failing
>>> them and your kafka offset won't move forward because of these failures. I
>>> will also look for any kafka errors for your consumer id. You are running 4
>>> topologies that are reading from kafka and these topologies are reading
>>> from different topics and/or have their own unique consumerid + topicids.
>>> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014, at 11:16 AM, Anuj Agrawal wrote:
>>> Hi Harsha,
>>> I don't see any errors in UI or logs. I just see failure counts
>>> increasing. See screenshot attached.
>>> Logs are filled up with the lines of kind that I showed earlier -
>>> committing offsets and fetching messages. The offsets sometimes decrease by
>>> 1 and sometimes move forward by a very small number. However, approx 1500
>>> messages are fetched every time.
>>> I do see new messages being inserted into kafka. Have verified that.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Anuj
>>> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 10:37 PM, Harsha <> wrote:
>>> Hi Anuj,
>>>         can you also send the errors what you are seeing in UI and also
>>> in logs. Are you seeing new messages inserted into your kafka topics just
>>> to make sure there aren't issues with your kafka .
>>>  -Harsha
>>> On Sat, Jul 26, 2014, at 05:47 AM, Anuj Agrawal wrote:
>>> I am running 4 topologies on a storm cluster each with one bolt and one
>>> kafka spout. Of these, 3 are showing a high number of failures (in UI) in
>>> the spout itself. I looked at the logs and found that the offset isn't just
>>> moving (in fact, at times it is reduced by one). Sample log for one of the
>>> partitions below:
>>> anuj.agrawal@server-ingestion1:/var/log/storm$ grep "2014-07-26 17:5"
>>> worker-6704.log | grep "partition=24"
>>> 2014-07-26 17:50:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:50:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96435
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:50:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:50:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96435
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:51:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:51:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96435
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:51:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:51:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96435
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:52:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:52:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96435
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:52:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:52:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96435
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:53:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:53:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96435
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:53:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:53:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96435
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:54:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:54:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96435
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:54:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:54:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96435
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:55:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:55:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96435
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:55:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:55:57 s.k.ZkState [INFO] Writing
>>> /server/cp-kafka/AndroidAppEventIngestion/partition_24 the data
>>> {topology={id=8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87,
>>> name=AndriodAppEventIngestion}, offset=96434, partition=24,
>>> broker={host=server-kafka5.local, port=9092}, topic=AndroidApp}
>>>  2014-07-26 17:55:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96434
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:56:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:56:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96434
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:56:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:56:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96434
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:57:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:57:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96434
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:57:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:57:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96434
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:58:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:58:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96434
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:58:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:58:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96434
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:59:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:59:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96434
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> 2014-07-26 17:59:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committing offset for
>>> Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24}
>>> 2014-07-26 17:59:57 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Committed offset 96434
>>> for Partition{host=server-kafka5.local:9092, partition=24} for topology:
>>> 8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87
>>> anuj.agrawal@server-ingestion1:/var/log/storm$
>>> anuj.agrawal@server-ingestion1:/var/log/storm$
>>> anuj.agrawal@server-ingestion1:/var/log/storm$
>>> anuj.agrawal@server-ingestion1:/var/log/storm$
>>> anuj.agrawal@server-ingestion1:/var/log/storm$ grep "2014-07-26 17:5"
>>> worker-6704.log | grep ":24"
>>> *2014-07-26 17:55:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Fetched 1526 messages
>>> from Kafka: server-kafka5.local:24*
>>> *2014-07-26 17:55:27 s.k.PartitionManager [INFO] Added 1526 messages
>>> from Kafka: server-kafka5.local:24 to internal buffers*
>>> anuj.agrawal@server-ingestion1:/var/log/storm$ grep "2014-07-26 17:5"
>>> worker-6704.log | grep "partition_24"
>>> *2014-07-26 17:55:57 s.k.ZkState [INFO] Writing
>>> /server/cp-kafka/AndroidAppEventIngestion/partition_24 the data
>>> {topology={id=8fba6b24-e1cd-4476-91a6-bb493a0e7c87,
>>> name=AndriodAppEventIngestion}, offset=96434, partition=24,
>>> broker={host=server-kafka5.local, port=9092}, topic=AndroidApp}*
>>>  anuj.agrawal@server-ingestion1:/var/log/storm$
>>> anuj.agrawal@server-ingestion1:/var/log/storm$
>>> I am unable to figure out what is going on here. Can anyone please help?
>>> Email had 1 attachment:
>>>    - Screen Shot 2014-07-26 at 11.44.04 PM.png
>>>    -   155k (image/png)

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