I am using an html:multibox that is pretty much working fine except when I
uncheck all choices. I am also using the logic:iterate tag to generate many
checkboxes.  If I have a single box checked I can't seem to uncheck it if
it's the last one.  If I have several checked, I can uncheck them one at a
time and that works.  At least until I get down to just one checked.  Very
odd.  The problem seems to be that I can't get Struts to realize that there
are no checkboxes checked after I submit the form.

I am using struts 1.1, with DynaValidatorForm's.  Here's some of my code:

<form-property name="amenity"           type="java.lang.String[]" />

        <td colspan="4">
        <logic-el:iterate id="item" name="amenities" indexId="i">
                <html-el:multibox  property="amenity">
                        <bean:write name="item" property="code"/>
                        <bean:write name="item"

Don't think the above is the issue.  It's something deeper I think.

Any help is appreciated.

Jim Kennedy
IT Consultant

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