Ah, I got you now. No, I didn't try that, I will give it a try.

Adam Hardy wrote:

I mean, try changing it in the code in your action when you want to validate, & change it back afterwards to its previous value when done. Is that what you tried?

String oldName = mapping.getName();
form.validate(mapping, request);

On 03/31/2004 05:52 PM Paul Barry wrote:

The name of the action-mapping has to correspond to the name of the form-bean.

Adam Hardy wrote:

If I really wanted to stick with your set-up, I see a way it might be possible, although I have not done this myself.

Try changing the 'name' attribute of the mapping to the validation that you defined in the validation.xml, e.g. 'widget-update' or 'widget-edit' and then call the validate() method.

My main worry is that ActionMapping may not like being changed, but if so, you could instantiate a new one.


On 03/31/2004 05:18 PM Paul Barry wrote:

Hello Everyone,

I am using the validator and dispatch actions and I am wonder what the best way to do this is. Consider that I have the following method in a dispatch action:

add - populates collections for drop-down lists, forwards to jsp page
create - needs to do validation and store in database
edit - needs to populate form with the data to edit, forward to jsp page
update - needs to do validation and update database
delete - needs to delete a record from the database

You can see how the validation would be different for these actions. Let's say this is a dispatch action related to administrating users. So for add, there would be no validation, it just gets the data need to build the form. For create, there might be a password and verify password field that need to be validated, but update wouldn't have those fields. Edit and delete would have to have a parameter for the primary key of the record to edit or delete.

Now I found something related at this link:


Which says to set validate to false in the struts-config.xml and then call validate method within each method of the dispatch action, like this:

ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
errors = form.validate(mapping, request);

// Report any errors we have discovered back to the original form
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
    saveErrors(request, errors);
    return  new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());

This seems like a really good solution to me, but there is one problem. How do you call a different set of validation rules, based on which method you are in? Doesn't this need to be something like this:

edit() {
    ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
    errors = form.validateEdit(mapping, request);

update() {
    ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
    errors = form.validateUpdate(mapping, request);

Because the rules for validating edit and update are different. You could define different action-mappings in your struts config for each dispatch method, and then a form in your validation.xml for each action-mapping, where the form name is the same as the path property of the action-mapping, but doesn't this defeat the purpose of the dispatch action? Why not just have separate actions at that point? I think the answer is to just not use the dispatch action with the validator, but I wanted to know if others had found a way to do it.

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