struts console validates and IMO is a tidy way to get around tiles-defs and other struts xml files.

On 1 Apr 2004, at 09:12, Dean A. Hoover wrote:

Found one:

Dean A. Hoover wrote:

As my application grows, so does my
tiles-defs.xml file. Well, I must have mistyped
something because now when I go to run
an exception is thrown telling me there's
a syntax error in there somewhere. (Actually,
it says there is a missing "</tiles-definitions>".)
Reminds me of the old days when I was hacking
lex files that were several pages long and lex
would barf and output "syntax error".
Anyway the file is 547 lines long and it would
be nice if I could just run it through some
well-formedness checker or validator. I checked
in google but didn't hook up with anything useful.
Any suggestions?

Dean Hoover

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