The eXo platform provides a JSR 168 certified portlet container with a
struts bridge

-----Original Message-----
From: Tambascio, Larry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 2:58 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Migrating from Struts to Portlets


That's interesting, and certainly worth noting.  I'll keep my eyes out for
that.  I agree it sounds kind of vendor specific, but...  How did your team
get around that?  Or are they still battling there?

I'm curious, how did your portlets invoke the Struts actions??  Did you
write a central (controller?) portlet, and have config files indicate which
action it should call??  Did you write a portlet for each actions??  Forgive
me for prying.  Can you describe the approach your team took?


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Augustyn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 2:29 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Migrating from Struts to Portlets

We have concerted our app from Struts on Tomcat and
jboss to Struts on
Oracle Portal and jboss.
One problems which we run into was that some struts
jsp tags just would
not work.
I think this problem was Oracle Portal specific but I
do not know for
sure so this could be something to consider.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tambascio, Larry
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 1:36 PM
Subject: Migrating from Struts to Portlets


There's a rumbling in the not too distant future of my
application, and
it involves a portal implementation.  This rumbling is
approaching more
quickly than I fear Struts 2.0 (which I'm very excited
about) is.  I am
wondering if anyone else has already dealt with this

I'd like to be able to re-use my existing forms,
actions, and JSP pages
to render the portlets as much as possible.  It seems
like there should
be a fairly thin layer on top of struts that adapts
the portlet
environment to struts (or vice-versa).  At kind of a
low level, it seems
that having a portlet's processAction method delegate
to a specific
struts action should be easy to do.  Capturing the
actionForward from it
in the request scope so that the portlet's render
method could simply
include that page (forwards apparently
"non-deterministic" according to
the spec) also seems relatively trivial.  There would
have to be an
obvious refactoring of the JSP pages to use the
portlet tag's
"actionURL" to generate action URLs for forms.

So, who has converted a Struts based app to a portlet
method?? What were you able to reuse?  What worked and
what didn't??
What would you do differently if you had to do it over
Obviously, I'd like to minimize refactoring (perhaps
building adapters)
and maximize reuse.  :-) And when Struts 2.0 DOES come
out, hopefully
I've done nothing to preclude myself from returning to
the fold, but
that's kind of a low priority.  Could a custom
RequestProcessor that
also implemented the Portlet interface do the job??  I
just honestly
don't know, and am hoping to leverage some communal


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