
I have this line in my jsp 

      <logic:iterate id="courseDetailsLocal" name="employeeDetailsForm"
property="courseDetailsArray" indexId="ctr">
          <td><html:text name="employeeDetailsForm" property='<%=
"courseDetails[" + ctr + "].name" %>'/></td>

When I am submitting the form it gives me the error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No bean specified

Could anyone please help me on this?

The EmployeeDetailsForm has this code

public class EmployeeDetailsForm extends ActionForm
private CourseDetailsForm courseDetailsFormArray[] = new

public void setCourseDetails(int iIndex, CourseDetailsForm
                courseDetailsFormArray[iIndex] = courseDetailsForm; 

public CourseDetailsForm getCourseDetails(int iIndex)
                return courseDetailsFormArray[iIndex]; 

        public CourseDetailsForm[] getCourseDetailsArray()
                return courseDetailsFormArray; 


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