I have need for every page in my web app to be secure. What I originally did
was extend the Action class to make a secure action class. The
SecureAction's perform method validates that the user is logged in and if
not, sends them to the login page. All actions in my app extend
SecureAction. To protect my jsp's, I put them in a subfolder of WEB-INF,
WEB-INF/jsp. This way a user cannot directly access any jsp. They can only
be accessed through a forward in an action. This completely secures all
resources in my application. 


This is where I run into a problem. If I use the validate() method of the
formbean and it returns a non-empty ActionErrors object, then the request is
diverted to resource that is set as the "input", in this case a jsp. Because
of this, if a user were to put in some bogus field values in the url, she
would be able to cause the formbean to no validate and get the jsp to
display, bypassing the secure action. I can secure each jsp, but this is
redundant if I have them in the WEB-INF folder in the first place. I would
rather avoid this "fix". 


I know that overriding the default action class is a common way to secure
your app as I have read about it more than one place, however, I have never
seen this problem addressed. Has anyone else ran across this problem before
and come up with a solution? Thanks in advance. 


Todd Bryant


University of Nebraska Foundation




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