It's killing me. Here's the snippet:

[ServletException in:/pages/editscheduledetails.jsp]
/pages/editscheduledetails.jsp(276,6) jsp.error.useBean.duplicate'
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /pages/editscheduledetails.jsp(276,6)

My assumption in that the Jasper compiler thinks I have attempted to use a bean multiple times in the same scope or something.

Here's the only piece of that JSP that uses a bean:

Line 276:

<c:forEach items="${ScheduleDetailsForm.eventsList}"
           var="event" varStatus="status">
  <jsp:useBean id="status"

If I change "status" to "qwerty" it all works fine! The JSP books say that the 'varStatus' variable is local to the 'c:forEach' loop! How can I be declaring duplicate beans? I even added a scope="page" to the 'useBean' clause, but it made no difference.

I'm not explicitly including other JSPs in this JSP...I'm using Tiles and Struts.

Google only returns very scant info about 'jsp.error.useBean.duplicate' :-(

Thanks for any help.


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