I have the same issue.Seems struts is running pretty slow (or porbably its becuase of 
back end database connections to mysQL using Hberntae).Any waqys I can improve the 
perfrmance. I am using Weblogic 7.0
Thanks so much as this will highly help in running my jsp's faster ( I did try 
including jsp pre-compilation into jasper).

Bill Siggelkow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well of course it will affect performance because the container is doing 
stuff it would not be doing otherwise -- the question is more like "will 
the negative performance impact be significant?" I would say if you 
calculating the elapsed time it should not be. It depends on what your 
filter is doing with the data -- it is simply logging it out to the 
console it should be OK -- the other thing that is nice about filters is 
that they can easily be turned off via the filter mapping.

Kommana, Sridhar wrote:
> Hi,
> Iam using TimerFilter in my application which gives the response time taken for 
> executing the each Action class. Does this will affect the performance of the 
> application on production environment. Is there any known performance or stability 
> issues with Servlet filters with Struts?
> Thanks in advance,

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