Hello all,


I'm working on a Struts application that contains 2 modules.  


Module 1 (default): a public website.

Module 2: a user and administrative login.


Module 2 obviously needs to be secure.  To secure Module 2 I intend to build
2 measures into take the following steps: a) Before any action is executed
check that the user is logged in by looking for a "User" object in the
session. b) check that all connections are via the https protocol.  In the
event that either of these checks fail, the user is redirected to an error


As a novice, but rapidly learning, Struts developer, I believe the logical
place to put these checks is to subclass the RequestProcessor and override
the processPreprocess() method with this logic?


An immediate alternative that comes to mind is to create a base action that
would handle this logic, however, I don't think that is where this belongs
in a Struts application. simply if the request doesn't meet the requirements
stated above, the User shouldn't get to the Action in the first place.


Does anyone have any suggestions or best practices they can offer?  




Josh Holtzman

American Data Company


Voice: (310) 470-1257

Fax:    (310) 362-8454


Sun Microsystems iForce Partner


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