I'll research that, thanks.

Doug wrote:

How about servlet filters instead? We've started using them for things we want to handle for all URLs, outside of the normal application logic, including session timeout.

Dean A. Hoover wrote:

I am using struts 1.1 and tomcat 5 for
an application. I am also using DynaValidatorForm
for validation of form data. Here is my problem:
I want to test for (tomcat) session timeout and
output a message on the users brower stating that
their session timed out. I want to catch and process
this situation wherever it may occur. For example,
they log in and click on a menu item; right now
the first thing I do in the action for that menu item
is to see if the session is null, if it is I take appropriate
action; fine.

The problem I see is when the user gets a for up
where the validation is handled by a DynaValidatorForm.
It just merrily processes the form and shows validation
errors. This is especially problematic on a multiform
wizard that I created. If the user got to page 2, went out
to lunch, came back and wants to pick up where they
left off, they can't, because the page one stuff is not there

I was thinking of writing a subclass of ForwardAction that checks
for the session before forwarding to the normal place. If the
session is not valid, it goes to some other specified place.
Any thoughts or suggestions?

Dean Hoover

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