Josh Holtzman wrote:


Can anyone suggest a means to determine the current struts application
module from within a JSP?

As long as you have correctly gone through an action first, the ModuleConfig object for the selected
module has been stored as a request attribute under the key "org.apache.struts.action.MODULE" (from Java code, you would use Globals.MODULE_KEY to reference this string). So, you could say something like this in a JSP page:

 The current module prefix is
 <bean:write name="org.apache.struts.action.MODULE" property="prefix"/>

The Javadocs for org.apache.struts.Globals describe many other attribute names that Struts uses to store interesting things while processing a request.

Would it be possible to use a Bean or Logic tag to make this determination?

Thanks again for any suggestions.


Josh Holtzman


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