Hi list,

first of all sorry for the double-post, I had forgotten to put the subject of my first post in English as well - as you should have noticed.

I am currently working on an application to generate database queries. This creation dialog is distributed over several pages ... From the 2nd page on I want to display a "back"-nutton and until the last but one page I want a "next"-button to be displayed.

The first thing is not so difficult:

<logic:greaterThan name="STANDARDQUERY" property="currentStep" value="1">
        <html:submit property="submit.stepBackward"> <bean:message 

this works quite fine. But how can I distinguish whether the last page is already reached or not? To say this I need to compare the values currentStep and steps (for both of which an attribute in the bean is available). But in all <logic:...> tags I need to specify a constant value. Here's my problem - both values I want to compare are not constant but bean attributes.

Is there a way to get it working the way I want (without rewriting the entire app ;-) )?

Help would be appreciated


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