have you tried changing your ApplicationResources to
err.name.required=The {0} field is required (whitout the quotes') ?

it should work.

[]īs Henrique Viecili

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "bOOyah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 1:51 PM
Subject: html:error and quotation marks...

> Howdy all
> I'm using html:error to put an error message next to a form field that
> must not be blank.  But the message is rendered with quotation marks
> around it.  I don't want quotation marks.  Am I doing something I
> shouldn't, or is there any way to turn this behavior off?
> My JSP looks like this:
> <thead>
>    <th><html:text name="myName" property="name" size="40"/></th>
>    <th><html:errors property="myName" /></th>
> </thead>
> The resulting HTML looks like this:
> <thead>
>    <th><input type="text" name="name" size="40" value=""></th>
>    <th>"The 'Name' field is required"</th>
> </thead>
> My Form.validate()
> ==================
> ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
> if (getMyName() == null || getMyName().length < 1) {
>      errors.add("myName", new ActionError("err.name.required", "Name");
> }
> return errors;
> My Application.Properties file
> ==============================
> err.name.required=The '{0}' field is required
> Thanks
> -- 
> bOOyah
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