I havn't tried this but just try this in the execute method :--
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {


Hope this may help you!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: pls [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 10:03 AM
Subject: How to set an ActionForm to null

hi there,

i am trying to set an actionform to null after inserting it's properties
into a DB.
then, control is forwarded to a different action and the info is read from
the DB back into the actionform for display by a JSP.

the only part that is giving me trouble is with explicitly setting my
actionform "MBForm" to null.  After several form submissions and a DB
update, the first Action attempts to clear the values in MBForm:

      request.getSession().setAttribute("MBForm", null);

after this, control is forwarded to the second Action which handles the
display.  it checks to see if MBForm is null and, if it is, it fills MBForm
from a DB.   in between these two actions, the controller servlet is
automatically refilling the MBForm with the values that I just nullified..
the only bean property that stays empty is myHash which represents several
groups of multiboxes.  i believe this is a result of the MBForm reset()
method which contains the following:

     myHash.put(multiBoxCategories, new Integer[0]);  //resets several
groups of multiboxes

setting other properties to null in the reset() method is not the solution
as it wipes the value out after every (but somehow it doesn't do the same
thing to the multiboxes?!?)

let me know if this enough background for you to help me diagnose the
problem..  any discussion of reset() or is welcome..  thanks

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