Pedro Salgado wrote:

On 04/04/29 18:54, "Lucas Gonzalez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am really interested in this subject and I´m not sure wich one is the best
way to go...
the main idea is to have the users/roles managemente module running inside
the J2EE container since the struts app is running alone on a tomcat server
in the DMZ and has no access to the DB....

Sorry, what is DMZ? :)

DMZ is short for "demilitarized zone" ... a term adopted for enterprise network infrastructures from the military use of the term.

If you're writing an application for public access on the Internet, you'll find that the net is not a very friendly place ... there's lots of attackers out there. One of the common architectures is to separate your environment into tiers -- for example:

Database -- Firewall2 -- AppServer -- Firewall1 -- Internet

so that, even if someone can punch through Firewall1 and corrupt your app server, they (hopefully) cannot also penetrate Firewall2 and corrupt your database. The traditional term for the servers between Firewall1 and Firewall2 is the DMZ.

Some folks go further and separate the web server (that responds to HTTP requests, but often still contains the JSP pages and servlets of a Struts-based front controller) and the app server (that performs your business logic, and contains EJBs or the equivalent) into separate tiers as well, which is where the term "three tier architecture" came from.


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