Hi Dave,

Tiles seem(s) to have particularly needy scoping issues. Try setting attributes for the particular Tile you're inserting in your .jsp, then do a <tiles:put... inside your <tiles:insert... for the errors you're looking for.

You may also want to consider using messages as opposed to errors, AFAIK, errors are or will be deprecated.

HTH (& I'm not too off-base),


Dave Hallam wrote:

I've got a page which uses tiles to load another jsp as part of the
page body.  In the tiled jsp there is a form that I validate.  If I
create ActionErrors in the form validation, I can render the
<html:errors/> correctly in the main jsp page but nothing appears in
the tiled jsp (which is where I actually want the data to appear).

Can anyone help?  I know the resource is there and that the errors
are present as they appear at the top of the main page - they just
don't appear in the tile.

Thanks very much,


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