In all Struts tags, the "scope" attribute should be one of the scopes in which a JSP tag can find an attribute:

If none is specified, then all available scopes are searched in standard JSP tag order (as above) until a value matching the name is found.

As you're describing it, your action form must have a method, "getResultado()" which returns a java.util.Collection, java.util.Iterator, or an array.

There are examples of this in the examples that are part of the Struts distribution.

If you are able to use the JSTL, you would probably be better off using <c:forEach>; logic:iterate was created before the JSTL, but is less generally useful than<c:forEach>


At 4:14 PM -0500 5/21/04, Teixeira, Jorge (Informaker) wrote:
Can you send me one interate sample workin with one object colletion how

I'm tried it

        <logic:iterate name="tb_estadoForm" scope="attribute"


        <logic:iterate collection="resultado" name="tb_estadoForm"
scope="attribute" id="teste">

My attribute call resultado and my ActionForm is tb_estadoForm the scope is setted how attribute

But the server return the message "Invalid bean scope null" or "Cannot create iterator for this collection"


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