> Hello All,
>             I am using JSTL and html-el tags . I am new to the struts
> and the tags. May be I am doing something  unacceptable in struts.
> Please help me. 
> My ActionForm has something like this : 
> public class TaskForm extends ActionForm {
>       /** @modelguid {C47413FB-A87F-4FE8-99DC-BF91B7DB531D} */
>       public AttachmentInfo[] attachmentList;
> /**
>        * Returns the attachmentList.
>        * @return AttachmentInfo[]
>        */
>       public AttachmentInfo[] getAttachmentList() {
>               return attachmentList;
>       }
>       /**
>                * Returns the attachment.
>                * @return AttachmentInfo
>                */
>               public AttachmentInfo getAttachment(int index) {
>                       return attachmentList[index];
>               }
> /**
>                        * Sets the attachment.
>                        * @param attachment The action to set
>                        */
>                       public void setAttachment(AttachmentInfo
> attachment, int index) {
>                               this.attachmentList[index] = attachment;
>                       }
> /**
>        * Sets the attachmentList.
>        * @param attachmentList The attachmentList to set
>        */
>       public void setAttachmentList(AttachmentInfo[] attachmentList) {
>               this.attachmentList = attachmentList;
>       }
> The array of attachmentList contains "AttachmentInfo" beans with
> "attID" and "attName"
> properties and the appropriate getters/setters.
> public class AttachmentInfo {
>       public String attID;
>       public String attName;
>       /**
>        * Returns the attID.
>        * @return String
>        */
>       public String getAttID() {
>               return attID;
>       }
>       /**
>        * Returns the attName.
>        * @return String
>        */
>       public String getAttName() {
>               return attName;
>       }
>               /**
>        * Sets the attID.
>        * @param attID The attID to set
>        */
>       public void setAttID(String attID) {
>               this.attID = attID;
>       }
>       /**
>        * Sets the attName.
>        * @param attName The attName to set
>        */
>       public void setAttName(String attName) {
>               this.attName = attName;
>       }
> }
> On my JSP which has my TaskForm has the form for this JSP defined in
> struts-config.xml, I have written the following code to loop through
> the attachmentList and display a link to each attachment. When a user
> clicks on a attachment the control is passed to attachment.do, and I
> want to pass on a request parameter for this.
> Something like this : ><a
> href="/WFIGUI/attachment.do?attachmentID=123">. For this I have used
> html:link tag's paramId and paramProperty.
> <c:forEach items="${TaskForm.attachmentList}" var="attachmentList">
> <tr>
> <td><html-el:link page="/attachment.do" paramId="attachmentID"
> paramProperty="${attachmentList.attID}"><c:out
> value="${attachmentList.attName}"/></html-el:link></td>
> </tr>
> </c:forEach>
> But when I run the JSP and on the browser , if I right click and do a
> view source I get the following code.
> <tr>
> <td ><a href="/WFIGUI/attachment.do">Comments</a></td>
> </tr>
>  I don't see the request parameters attached to the URL. Can someone
> tell me what am I doing wrong. Thanks a lot for your help and time.
> sincerely,
> Sandhya

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